In this quiz, you will be asked questions about planets, stars, galaxies, space missions, astronauts, and other space-related topics. The questions will challenge your understanding of space science and test your ability to recall important information about the universe.
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Quiz on Trivia Related to Space and Astronomy
Quiz on Trivia Related to Space and Astronomy
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1. Who theorized that the earth revolves around the sun (Heliocentric) in 1543?
Nicolaus Copernicus
In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus detailed his radical theory of the Universe in which the Earth, along with the other planets, rotated around the Sun.
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2. What is the name of the first spacecraft to orbit the Earth?
Sputnik 1
The Sputnik 1 spacecraft was the first artificial satellite successfully placed in orbit around the Earth and was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome at Tyuratam (370 km southwest of the small town of Baikonur) in Kazakhstan, then part of the former Soviet Union.
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3. Which planets in our solar system do not have moons ?
Mercury and Venus
Of the terrestrial (rocky) planets of the inner solar system, neither Mercury nor Venus have any moons at all, Earth has one and Mars has its two small moons.
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4. How many of our planets can be seen without a telescope?
5- Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the second largest, after Jupiter. It is one of the five planets visible from Earth using only the naked-eye (the others are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter).
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5. Which planet has had the most missions?
There are more spacecraft operating at Mars than any planet besides Earth — from orbiters to landers and rovers. Mars has been historically unkind to our attempts to send spacecraft there, with roughly half of all Mars missions failing.
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6. Uranus has only been visited by what spacecraft?
Voyager 2
Jan. 24, 1986: NASA's Voyager 2 made the first - and so far the only - visit to Uranus. The spacecraft came within 50,600 miles (81,500 kilometers) of the planet's cloud tops.
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7. Which is the brightest planet in the night’s sky?
Venus is the brightest planet. Venus is so bright because its thick clouds reflect most of the sunlight that reaches it (about 70%) back into space.
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8. The moon called Titan orbits which planet?
Titan orbits Saturn, which orbits the Sun at a distance of about 886 million miles (1.4 billion kilometers), about 10 times farther from the Sun than Earth orbits.
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9. Which is the smallest planet within our solar system?
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. It's a little bigger than Earth's Moon. It is the closest planet to the Sun, but it's actually not the hottest.
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10. How many planets are there in the solar system?
8 planets
Our solar system is made up of a star—the Sun—eight planets, 146 moons, a bunch of comets, asteroids and space rocks, ice, and several dwarf planets, such as Pluto. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
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