Can You Guess the Job From These Emojis

Let's see how many jobs you can correctly guess!

By GyanOK

As you all know that everyone does some work in life. Be it a job or owning your own business, for this Can you identify jobs by emojis Quiz, you have to answer based on emojis and their description to identify different businesses. Let’s see how many jobs you can guess correctly!

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Can You Guess the Job From These Emojis
Can You Guess the Job From These Emojis

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Can You Guess the Job From These Emojis

Can You Identify the Job From These Emojis

Can You Identify the Job From These Emojis

1 / 10

1. One branch of emergency services, which professionals do these emojis represent?

2 / 10

2. Can you name the job, responsible for working with media, that's shown here in emojis?

3 / 10

3. Talking is the most important part of this profession. Can you name it?

4 / 10

4. This profession can cause a spark. Which dangerous job is this?

5 / 10

5. Can you name the job shown here

6 / 10

6. An expert with clothing may pursue what occupation?

7 / 10

7. Can you name the job shown here

8 / 10

8. A large part of this professional's day is spent outside. Do you know what job it is?

9 / 10

9. These emojis represent which profession, responsible for education?

10 / 10

10. Who is this professional, in charge of what's on our heads and sometimes hands?

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The average score is 57%

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Many people are fond of watching cartoons. So let’s see whether you can tell the name of the cartoon character through emoji or not.

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