NCERT Class 12th Home Science Books 2024 PDF Download

Class XII Home Science comprises two NCERT textbooks: “Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I” and “Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part II.” These textbooks are significant as they offer a comprehensive understanding of home science, covering topics like human development, family dynamics, nutrition, textiles, resource management, and community development. ...

By GyanOK

Class XII Home Science comprises two NCERT textbooks: “Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part I” and “Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part II.” These textbooks are significant as they offer a comprehensive understanding of home science, covering topics like human development, family dynamics, nutrition, textiles, resource management, and community development. They equip students with practical skills and knowledge vital for personal well-being, family management, and sustainable living, preparing them for academic excellence and life beyond school.

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NCERT Class 12th Home Science Books PDF Download
NCERT Class 12th Home Science Books PDF Download

NCERT Class 12th Home Science Book PDF Chapter Wise

Class XII Home Science can be challenging without the right approach and study resources. It encompasses various aspects, including human development, family sciences, nutrition, textiles, and resource management. Understanding these topics requires structured study materials. In our forthcoming article, we provide chapter-wise PDF links and download options for the essential textbooks, facilitating students’ comprehensive understanding and enabling them to navigate the complexities of Home Science confidently, enhancing their skills and academic performance.

NCERT Class 12th Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part 1 Book PDF Download 

English Medium I Hindi Medium

NCERT Class 12th Human Ecology and Family Sciences Part 2 Book PDF Download 

English Medium I Hindi Medium

Chapter No. Chapter Name अध्याय का नाम 
Chapter 1 Work, Livelihood and Careerपाठ 1 – कार्य, आजीविका तथा जीविका
Chapter 2 Clinical Nutrition and Dieteticsपाठ 2 – नैदानिक पोषण और अहारिकी
Chapter 3 Public Nutrition and Healthपाठ 3 – जनपोषण तथा स्वास्थ्य
Chapter 4Food Processing and Technologyपाठ 4 – खाद्य प्रसंस्करण और प्रौद्योगिकी
Chapter 5 Food Quality and Food Safetyपाठ 5 – खाद्य गुणवत्ता और खाद्य सुरक्षा
Chapter 6 Early Childhood Care and Educationपाठ 6 – प्रारंभिक बाल्यावस्था देखभाल और शिक्षा
Chapter 7 Management of Support Services, Institutions and Programmes for Children, Youth and Elderlyपाठ 7 – बच्चों, युवाओं और वृद्धजनों के लिए सहायक सेवाओं, संस्थाओं और कार्यक्रमों का प्रबंधन
Chapter 8Design for Fabric and Apparelपाठ 8 – वस्त्र एवं परिधान के लिए डिज़ाइन
Chapter 9 Fashion Design and Merchandisingपाठ 9 – फैशन डिज़ाइन और व्यापार
Chapter 10Care and Maintenance of Fabrics in Institutionsपाठ 10 – संस्थाओं में वस्त्रों की देखभाल और रखरखाव
Chapter 11Hospitality Managementपाठ 11 – आतिथ्य प्रबंधन
Chapter 12 Consumer Education and Protectionपाठ 12– उपभोक्ता शिक्षा और संरक्षण
Chapter 13 Development Communication and Journalismपाठ 13 – विकास संचार तथा पत्रकारिता
Chapter 14Corporate Communication and Public Relationsपाठ 14 – निगमित संप्रेषण तथा जनसंपर्क

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