Under the National Council of Education, Research and Training (NCERT) publications, a book called Political Science: Democratic Politics gets published for the children studying in class 10th. The particular is sub-categorised under the subject of social science. The book incorporates essential topics and concepts required to understand the particular discipline in higher studies. The book covers various aspects that are a part of everyday life, and an average citizen gets affected by it. Chapters mentioned in this book make students knowledgeable about politics, society and their role in the world of democrats. Learning Civic education, governance understanding, and awareness of political systems in today’s age should be equipped for every child.

NCERT Class 10th Political Science
The NCERT Book of Class 10th Political Science gives the importance of learning and understanding concepts in a comprehensive manner, wherein chapters are eloquently explained. The book deals with chapters like Power Sharing, Federalism, Democracy and Diversity, Gender, Religion and Cast in Politics, Popular struggles and movements, Political Parties, Outcomes of Democracy, Challenges of Democracy etc. To score well in the subject of Political Science, students should follow a dedicated time routine with regular revision being a part of it. In the subject of political science or majorly social science, writing answers in a comprehensive manner matters, so one should practice answer writing at least a month or two before the examination. The chapter-wise list of the subject and an independent book is given below.
Class 10th Complete Political Science BOOK PDF Download
Class 10th Chapter-wise Book Political Science
Chapter No. | Chapter Name | अध्याय का नाम |
Chapter 1 (Political Science: Democratic Politics ) | Power Sharing | सत्ता की साझेदारी |
Chapter 2 | Federalism | संघवाद |
Chapter 3 | Gender, Religion and cast | लिंग, धर्म और जाति |
Chapter 4 | Political Parties | राजनीतिक दल |
Chapter 5 | Outcomes of Democracy | लोकतंत्र के परिणाम |