NCERT Class 10th All Hindi BOOK PDF Download

The National Council of Education, Research and Training releases books under its publication which are widely followed across the country. A few such books that get followed are in Hindi, which is available in two pairs each. These are Sparsh, Sanchayan, and Kritika, Kshitij for the students studying in class ...

By GyanOK

The National Council of Education, Research and Training releases books under its publication which are widely followed across the country. A few such books that get followed are in Hindi, which is available in two pairs each. These are Sparsh, Sanchayan, and Kritika, Kshitij for the students studying in class X. Based on the type of board you are studying under, confirm which pair of books are getting followed. These books provide students better understanding towards the language and increase their overall command over it. Furthermore, they also help in enhancing their reading, grammar and sentence structuring. Reading such literary books enrich students with the knowledge of different cultural backgrounds in India and further helps them appreciate their country for its unique diversity. 

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NCERT Class 10th All Hindi BOOK PDF Download
NCERT Class 10th All Hindi BOOK PDF Download

NCERT Class 10th Hindi Book 

The book of NCERT Class 10th has a lot to offer and provide to the children studying it. One of the things is that reading such books exposes students to different art and literary forms such as poetry, prose, letters and essay. Moreover, it also boosts intellectual growth by pondering upon such thought-provoking ideas that the book has catered to them. To achieve good marks in Hindi, students are required to follow a routine that is easy to adapt but productive. Reading every chapter thoroughly and practising answer writing regularly will help students attain the score they are after. The list of chapter-wise books is given below. 

NCERT Class 10th Hindi Sparsh Complete BOOK PDF 

NCERT Class 10th Hindi Sanchayan Complete BOOK PDF

NCERT Class 10th Hindi Kritika Complete BOOK PDF

NCERT Class 10th Hindi Kshitij Complete BOOK PDF

Class 10th NCERT Hindi Books Chapter-Wise Pdf 

Chapter No. Chapter Name 
Chapter 1 (Kshitij)सूरदास: पद
Chapter 2 तुलसीदास: राम-लक्ष्मण-परशुराम संवाद
Chapter 3जयशंकर प्रसाद: आत्मकथ्य
Chapter 4सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
Chapter 5नागार्जुन: तुम्हारी ये दंतुरित मुस्कान
Chapter 6मंगलेश डबराल: संगतकार
Chapter 7स्वयं प्रकाश: नेता जी का चश्मा
Chapter 8 रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी: बालगोबिन भगत
Chapter 9यशपाल: लखनवी अंदाज़
Chapter 10 मन्नू भंडारी: एक कहानी यह भी
Chapter 11यतीन्द्र मिश्रा:  नौबतखाने में इबादत
Chapter 12भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन: संस्कृति
Chapter 1 (कृतिका)माता का आँचल
 Chapter 2 साना-साना हाथ जोड़ि
 Chapter 3मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ?
Chapter 1 (स्पर्श)कबीर: साखी 
Chapter 2  मीरा: पद
Chapter 3 मैथलीशरण गुप्त: मनुष्यता
Chapter 4  सुमित्रानंदन पंत: परवत प्रदेश के पावस
Chapter 5 वीरेन डंगवाल: तोप
Chapter 6  कैफ़ी आज़मी: कर चले हम फ़िदा
Chapter 7  रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर: आत्मत्राण
Chapter 8 प्रेमचंद: बड़े भाई साहब 
Chapter 9 -सीताराम सेकसरिया: डायरी का एक पन्ना
Chapter 10 लीलाधर मंडलोई: तताँरा वामीरो कथा
Chapter 11 प्रहलाद अग्रवाल: तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र
Chapter 12 नीदा फ़ाज़ली: अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले
Chapter 13 रवीन्द्र केलेकर: पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ
Chapter 14 हबीब तनवीर: कारतूस
Chapter 1 (संचयन)हरिहर काका
Chapter 2 सपनों के से दिन
Chapter 3 टोपी शुक्ला

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