Citizens of India have been presented with a golden opportunity to win exciting prizes and certificates by taking quizzes at home. The government of India has taken an initiative in the direction of making our population well aware of the mainstream topics and issues of India. One such topic is the “Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II Quiz”. To gain more insights on the topic read the rest of the article.

Mygov Quiz: Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II Quiz
Mygov Quiz conducts various quizzes to raise awareness among the citizens of India. This time, The Ministry of Jal Shakti has collaborated with Mygov Quiz to organise a quiz on “Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase II”. The objective of this Quiz is to emphasize the importance of Sanitation which includes making villages and other places of India open-defecation free.
The Swachh Bharat Grameen Mission which was launched on 2nd October 2014 worked in the direction of making all villages, Gram Panchayats, Districts, States and Union Territories of India open defecation-free. The output of the mission was commendable when all of the above-mentioned entities declared themselves “open defecation-free” by 2nd October 2019. Such output was achieved after constructing over 100 million toilets in rural India. Thus to sustain this behaviour and to further strengthen the results the Mission has moved on to its phase II.
Interested candidates can play the quiz by visiting the mygov website. The quiz is made available to play as of now and will continue to be till 31st December 2023. The total number of questions that shall be asked is 10 and are supposed to be done within 150 seconds.
How to Prepare
To make yourself well-prepared for the time of competition you can take help from the material scattered all over the internet. Another alternative could be making use of the mcq quiz curated by our team. Following we have prepared questions on the topic of Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II.
Practise Questions for Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II
To learn about the Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II following questions are provided.
Q1. Which of the following is not included in the 4R formula in the disposal of plastic waste?
i. Reduce
ii. Reuse
iii. Recharge
iv. Resurrection
Correct Answer: iv. Resurrection
Q2. What are the right behaviors for Greywater Management?
i. Judicious use of freshwater
ii. Discharge of household greywater into conveyance system
iii. Use of treated greywater for the purpose of groundwater recharge
iv. All of the above
Correct Answer: iv. All of the above
Q3. What is biodegradable waste?
i. Kitchen and Institutional Waste
ii. Animal Waste
iii. Crop residues / discarded fruits and vegetables
iv. All of the above
Correct Answer: iv. All of the above
Q4. How many tourist places have been selected so far under Swachh Iconic Place?
Correct Answer: 36
Q5. Which type of toilet is most suitable and economical in plain areas in Indian villages?
i. Eco-sanitation toilet
ii. Pit toilet
iii. Septic tank toilet
iv. All of the above
Correct Answer: i. Eco-sanitation toilet
Q6. At what distance should the leach pit toilet be from the well?
i. at least 3 meters
ii. at least 6 meters
iii. at least 10 meters
iv. it has no significance
Correct Answer: iii. at least 10 meters
Terms and Conditions
To be able to play and win the Mygov Quiz on Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase-II Quiz smoothly, the following terms and conditions should be kept in mind.
- A quiz can only be attempted once, after submitting the quiz there’s no way to receive it.
- An option for reviewing the answers is there before finalizing your decision to submit it.
- After responding to every question, an option called “next” is there to proceed to the next question.
- The medium for giving the quiz is made available in both English and Hindi.
- One can only be able to enter the quiz competition until the deadline. Once the quiz has reached its deadline no further competition shall be taken place.
- Unlike prize money, certificates will be given to all the members participating.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for being able to participate are given as follows :
- One must be a registered citizen of India.
- Should possess an e-mail or a Facebook account.
- Must not be working under mygov.